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Brave people of China protest tyrannical Covid lockdowns

Geplaatst: 28 nov 2022 04:11
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Nov 27, 2022
BREAKING: Brave people of China protest tyrannical Covid lockdowns: 'Take down the CCP! Take down Xi Jinping!'
"The protests in Shanghai are taking place right down the street from the US Consulate. Not a single official or member of the Biden Admin has said a word about them."
In its attempt to reach "zero-Covid," communist China has resorted to tyrannical and authoritarian measures, locking down citizens and instituting brutal restrictions on movement, causing citizens to rise up in protest resulting in growing tension between the CCP and its people.

According to the Daily Mail, demonstrations have "erupted in at least seven cities - including Shanghai, Nanjing and Guangzhou - with violence breaking out between local cops and furious protesters," and social media and YouTube posts reveal protestors gathered and shouting in mandarin "take down the CCP!" and "take down XiJinping!" With the CCP responsing with arrests and attacks. A fire at an apartment building in the Xinjiang province sparked the recent wave of protest, as at least a dozen citizens burned alive after being locked in their apartment by the government due to Covid restrictions.

On Twitter, Jack Posobiec wrote, "The protests in Shanghai are taking place right down the street from the US Consulate Not a single official or member of the Biden Admin has said a word about them."

Shanghai has roughly 26 million residents and is the location of the largest protest so far, with many calling for the resignation of President Xi Jinping.

Posobiec posted an update on his Twitter, explaining the events. China had mostly been open since 2020 but returned to strict Covid measures in recent months following an uptick in Covid cases.

According to the Fort Worth Star, hundreds of protestors on Sunday were dispersed with pepper spray by police.

Under China's "zero-COVID" policy, anybody who tests positive for the virus anywhere in China must be separated from all non-infected people, including family members, with no exceptions. This includes isolating children from their parents if they test positive and parents or guardians don't. Vaccine passports and licenses to allow movement throughout the city were also reportedly being checked by hazmat-suited authorities.

Many of the recent protests were spurred by the deaths of at least 12 people in a Urumqi apartment building fire. The residence, located in the Xinjiang region of the country, was sealed shut by CCP officials to stop the spread of Covid. The fire, which happened on November 24, 2022, found Chinese citizens locked in their homes and burned alive.

Urumqi residents were not allowed to leave their homes for over 100 days until protests caused officials to open minimal portions of the city.

While social media posts within China have been erased or deleted via China's strict censorship laws, footage has reached sites such as Twitter.