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Black Chicagoans angry at $51 million aid package for illegal immigrants

Geplaatst: 05 jun 2023 14:03
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Black Chicagoans angry at $51 million aid package for illegal immigrants
"How dare this mayor and city council have the guts to give migrants $51 million."
Chicago residents are furious about the city's newly passed $51 million aid package for illegal immigrants, which has sparked significant pushback from black residents that claim the deal negatively impacts their communities.

During a city council meeting on Wednesday, black residents vocalized their frustrations and offered the city alternative options that they believe are better suited for the $51 million taxpayer funds, Fox News reports.

"We have not gotten anything for our community and we are sick and tired of being sick and tired," one resident shouted before the council, adding "Enough is enough."

Andre Smith, who was recently arrested by police for attempting to block a bus transporting illegal immigrants into the city said, "How dare this mayor and city council have the guts to give migrants $51 million."

Following the meeting, Smith appeared on Fox and Friends to discuss the frustrations within the South Shore community, and the extravagant spending by the city, which he describes as monetary malpractice.

"It's just a mess here," Smith said. "We have in Chicago $160 million that was spent for the migrants with no records, no plan. And now we're fixing to spend $51 million that was passed at city council with no record, no plan for 500 migrants for 30 days. That's unheard of."

"There's a lot of other people that's on the radio and news. We are totally upset. We have dismantled. Our mind is discombobulated… it's unheard of," Smith explained. "Just imagine you're at work and your boss give a blank check of $51 million to 500 people for 30 days. That business would be out of business."

According to Fox News, the city has spent around $102 million addressing the illegal immigrant crisis from January to June. The Illinois government has granted Chicago $30 million, while the city received another $4.4 million from FEMA.

Smith is now calling for audits and says that Chicago needs to terminate their "sanctuary city" status. He offered alternative options to where the money could be spent in the windy city.

"When you look at all Memorial Day, we had 53 people shot in the city of Chicago, 11 killed. That's just on Memorial Day weekend. So you can put that money to crime," Smith told Fox News.

"We have homeless people just a couple of blocks away... there was a young lady that froze to death, got both of her legs amputated, both her arms amputated because she had no place to go. But you have a school and you put these immigrants or migrants, whatever you want to call it, that he had a free choice to cross the borders, but black people didn't have the opportunity to cross the border. They didn't have that luxury to cross the borders. They came over here in chains in the bottoms of ships. So this is a total disaster," Smith added.

Brandon Johnson, Democrat Mayor of Chicago, defended the pricey aid package and said that the means are necessary to address what he calls a "humanitarian crisis."

"Chicago is facing a humanitarian crisis as individuals and families continue to be sent here and other Democratic-led cities across the country without regard for their well-being," said Johnson, a far-left progressive. "My administration will do everything in our power to support these new arrivals as they work to rebuild their lives in the U.S. while still upholding our commitments to the residents of Chicago. This appropriation is critical to support our efforts to provide housing and services in the immediate future, and I will continue to advocate for additional state and federal funding for as long as needed."