I Read Biden’s Afghan Whitewash Report So You Don’t Have To. Here’s What Stands Out.

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I Read Biden’s Afghan Whitewash Report So You Don’t Have To. Here’s What Stands Out.

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I Read Biden’s Afghan Whitewash Report So You Don’t Have To. Here’s What Stands Out.
The Biden White House appears to be blaming Trump for not prioritising immigrants, and wanting U.S. troops out earlier.

Raheem Kassam
By now you may have heard the Biden White House blaming the Trump administration for its botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. That’s the lazy read of a new, 12-page document that is replete with whitewashing, including of the literal war crime committed as U.S. troops were pulled out in 2021.

While the word “Trump” appears 14 times, and first appears after just one paragraph, the specifics of the blame game are somehow far worse, with the report focusing intently on the relocation of Afghans or dual citizens into the United States, instead of the protection of U.S. troops, or the repatriation of U.S. military arrests. Here are the stand out points:

Biden Blew Through Trump’s Negotiated Withdrawal Date, Blames Trump.
Trump set the latest date for the withdrawal of 2,500 troops for May 1st, having already halved the military’s presence since taking office. The deal with the Taliban said U.S. troops would remain safe, as long as the date was adhered to. Biden decided to place U.S. troops in harm’s way by both loudly announcing his government’s nervousness, while extending the date to the widely Islamist-significant 9/11/2021 withdrawal date.

The report effectively confirms this, contradicting itself by claiming the U.S. government made 55,000 phone calls and sent 33,000 emails urging people to leave. This was at the same time as claiming they did “not broadcast loudly and publicly about a potential worst-case scenario unfolding in order to avoid signaling a lack of confidence in [the Afghan army]…” See more below, from pages six and nine:
Page 9:
Prioritizing Immigrants Over U.S. Troops.
The report pays extra attention to the plight of the ‘Special Immigrant Visa’ (SIV) applicants, which they allege led to a build up of 18,000 people in a backlog. It’s a fitting prioritisation, too, considering this was also the Biden regime’s approach at the time. Americans last, seemingly. If at all.

By page four, the excuses offered are in relation to “[r]efugee support services had been gutted and personnel dramatically reduced, lowering admissions to historic lows and forcing more than 100 refugee resettlement facilities in the United States to close.”

In fact, a previously secret October 2021 report from U.S. Central Command concluded that “the attack was not preventable at the tactical level without degrading the mission to maximize the number of evacuees,” reflecting Joe Biden’s change in priorities from Donald Trump’s, as expressed in the new report which states:

“During his first two weeks in office, President Biden signed Executive Order 14013 requiring departments and agencies to surge resources and streamline the application process for SIV applicants. On February 2, the Department of State resumed SIV interviews in Kabul. State doubled the number of SIV adjudicators at Embassy Kabul and quintupled the number of staff processing SIV applications—from 10 to 50—in Washington, D.C. As a result of this surge, the United States went from issuing 100 SIVs a week in March to more than 1000 a week in July, and, working with Congress to streamline the process, reduced the average SIV processing time by more than one year. In July, the United States issued a record number of SIVs to our Afghan allies and began running the first ever SIV relocation flights.”

Page 10 of the report boasts of the 70,000 “vulnerable Afghans” evacuated, but neglects to mention the incidents of child marriage (and therefore underage sex trafficking) that came along with it.
On the same page the Biden government boasts of welcoming “100,000 Afghans as part of Operation Allies Welcome” with many more to come. Remember, on page 9, they noted that “the U.S. Government evacuated over 6,000 American citizens from the country.” That’s some ratio of Afghan nationals to U.S. citizens.
Blaming Intel (Especially for the War Crime).
For a group of people who lean so heavily into the idea of consensus amongst intelligence agencies, the Biden White House seems to blame bad intelligence wherever it’s not blaming Donald Trump. Sometimes, it’s both.

Poor intelligence can be quite routine on such matters, especially where the stakeholders have a vested interested in remaining in the country and dragging out deployments. But there also appears to be no contrition over the deaths of ten civilians targeted in a face-saving drone strike shortly after the Abbey Gate attack in which a massive 183 people lost their lives, including 13 U.S. Servicemen.

The report callously dismisses the incident. If it had happened under Trump, there would be demands for the 45th President to appear in the dock at The Hague. Biden waves it off as “lessons learned”:

The Department of Defense conducted detailed after-action reviews of the tragic attack that took American and other lives at Abbey Gate and of the drone strike that tragically killed ten civilians, and implemented their lessons learned. After the Kabul strike, the Secretary of Defense ordered a 90-day review of how the Department of Defense could better avoid civilian casualties in its activities, and has implemented new policies to do so.

It’s also worth checking out this thread for some further context.

While we’re all tempted to shrug, and wave this “CYA” attempt off as just that, it stands to reason that since the Biden White House is so keen to pass the blame off onto Donald Trump, he is entitled a response. And he provided one, Thursday afternoon, via Truth Social:

These Morons in the White House, who are systematically destroying our Country, headed up by the biggest Moron of them all, Hopeless Joe Biden, have a new disinformation game they are playing - Blame “TRUMP” for their grossly incompetent SURRENDER in Afghanistan. I watched this disaster unfold just like everyone else. I saw them take out the Military FIRST, GIVE $85 Billion of military equipment, allow killing of our soldiers, and leave Americans behind. Biden is responsible, no one else!
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