Protests Break Out in Iran After Regime’s “Morality Police” Beats Woman to Death Over Forced Hijab Rules

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Protests Break Out in Iran After Regime’s “Morality Police” Beats Woman to Death Over Forced Hijab Rules

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Protests Break Out in Iran After Regime’s “Morality Police” Beats Woman to Death Over Forced Hijab Rules
By Margaret Flavin
Published September 18, 2022
A 22-year-old Iranian woman, Mahsa Amini, died Friday from injuries sustained after her arrest for the “improper” wearing of a hijab. Protests have erupted over the weekend for multiple days in Sanandaj, capital of Kurdistan province.

Iranian “morality police” are notorious for their brutality, crimes that big-tech like YouTube aid in covering up. The Gateway Pundit reported on an Iranian woman who was questioned by the “morality police” and then run over by their van.

While Iranian police deny any violence in the death of Mahsa, her family is speaking out.

AOL reports:
Police rejected suspicions aired on social media that she was beaten, saying she fell ill as she waited with other detained women.

“Authorities have said my daughter suffered from chronic medical conditions. I personally deny such claims as my daughter was fit and had no health problems,” Amini’s father told pro-reform Emtedad news website on Sunday.

Since the 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran, women have been legally required to wear modest “Islamic” clothing. In practice, this means women must wear a chador, a full-body cloak, or a headscarf and a manteau (overcoat) that covers their arms.

From the BBC:

In recent years, Iran has seen several campaigns against the compulsory hijab, but a crackdown by Iran’s morality police on women accused of not complying with the dress code has caused opponents of the policy to call for action.

Recently, the head of Iran’s judiciary, Gholamhossein Mohseni-Ejeie, suggested that foreign powers are behind the campaign, instructing intelligence agencies to find the “hands behind the naked veil”.

Earlier in the summer, President Raisi also promised to crack down on the “promotion of organized corruption in the Islamic society”, directly referring to the campaign.

In recent months, Iranian state TV has showed televised confessions of women arrested for not following the strict dress code.

At Amini’s funeral , female protestors removed their headscarves in solidarity while the crowd chanted “death to the dictator”.

Despite denials from Iranian authorities, the brutality of the “morality police” is a painful reality for Iranian women.

As news of Amini,’s death spread throughout the country, Iranian women protested on social media by cutting their hair in gesture of defiance against the regime’s anti-woman policies.

Iranian women show their anger by cutting their hair and burning their hijab to protest against the killing of #Mahsa_Amini by hijab police.
From the age of 7 if we don’t cover our hair we won’t be able to go to school or get a job. We are fed up with this gender apartheid regime

— Masih Alinejad 🏳️ (@AlinejadMasih) September 18, 2022

Oddly, users trying to share videos and pictures of the increasingly widespread protests were unable to share content on Instagram or WhatsApp.

The Gateway Pundit has reported on the abuse of women in Iran for several years.
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