Crooked Chris Wray and Lawless FBI AGAIN Refuse to Turn Over Unclassified Document

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Crooked Chris Wray and Lawless FBI AGAIN Refuse to Turn Over Unclassified Document

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Crooked Chris Wray and Lawless FBI AGAIN Refuse to Turn Over Unclassified Document that Proves Joe Biden Involved in Criminal Bribery Scheme
By Jim Hoft May. 23, 2023
photo_2023-05-23_21-23-20.jpg (20.05 KiB) 103 keer bekeken
On Friday, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) wrote the FBI demanding they turn over a document alleging a bribery scheme involving then Vice President Joe Biden.

The document in question is not classified.

Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Sunday said the FBI was poised to turn the damning document over to the Oversight Committee.

But later in the day the FBI told Republicans to pound sand – the agency penned a letter to Comer they will not be turning over the document.

The Daily Mail has more on this lawlessness by the FBI.

The FBI has again refused to hand over an internal document that Republicans claim shows President Joe Biden was involved in a ‘criminal’ scheme with a foreign national.

The House Oversight Committee, which is leading the investigation into ‘influence-peddling’ by the first family, met with bureau officials on Monday who who refused to hand over the file.

The internal FD-1023 form apparently details an ‘arrangement’ for an exchange of money for policy decisions, the Republicans said.

In case you haven’t noticed, the FBI is a completely lawless organization.

The bureau’s latest stonewalling came as a second IRS whistleblower came forward, claiming he was sidelined from the Hunter Biden probe when he claimed the president’s son was getting preferential treatment.
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